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水曜日サービス、パワーナイト‼️ Power Night service‼️

English below
サービスは7:30PM-です🔥 6:30PM- は、誰でも気軽に楽しむことができる、ランゲージエクスチェンジという無料英会話の時間もありますので、ぜひお楽しみください♫


We have Wednesday service at His Call Church‼
We call it the “Power Night” service and we have various kinds of series for the message on Wednesday.
Let’s charge ourselves in the middle of the week with the Holy Spirit and move on the rest of the week with fun, brightness and dreams‼
The service is from 7:30pm🔥 , and we have Language Exchange from 6:30pm.
We hope to see you at Power Night‼